I've been getting a lot of requests lately from NEW riders/raers wanting to train and learn from more EXPERIENCED riders/racers. It seems like a lot of NEW riders/racers are tired of their local group rides consisting of "wanna-be pros" who don't race but treat the group ride like it's a Stage of the Tour de France...complete with attitudes. I can't say I blame them. It's probably the reason why I do the majority of my training on my own or with other riders/racers that are much more stronger and experienced than me. You can ALWAYS learn something by just following an experienced rider: a bunny hop to avoid a pot hole, a track stand at an intersection, how to pace yourself on a hill, etc.
Therefore, what I'm going to do is get together with some of the top racers/coaches/cycling experts in the area and see if we can't schedule the following this Spring. Our Spring Training Series. Perhaps a weekly 2 hr. "on-the-road" class (after work or on the weekends that would run from April through May) that would ready you for the racing season and include:
a. bike handling skills like hopping obstacles, track stands, picking up objects, sharp turns, contact drills, looking back, shoulder/elbow bumping, etc.
b. group-riding etiquette
c. group fun ride
d. hi-speed paceline riding and rules
e. how to do interval workouts correctly on the road & where to do them
f. hill climbing- maybe even a timed hill climb race..know why w/kg is KEY!
g. motor-pacing training
h. local practice mini-crits to ready you for the weekend race
i. how to prepare for a road race, criterium or Time Trial
j. race day tactics
k. how to race/train with a power meter
l. how to ride safe on your own and in groups
m. learn race day rules
n. nutrition tips/advice
If you have any other ideas/suggestions..shoot them my way. mullerrj@comcast.net We'll have to charge a fee for the service/class but we'll keep it low ($10/class) and we'll make it fun. (If we can't run it weekly perhaps every 2 weeks.) So, not only will you improve your bike riding..you'll get to meet some great people that are more interested in improving their bike skills than they are impressing people on a local group ride. You'll have a LOT more fun too...trust me.
This "on-the-road" class will be for any race club rider or recreational rider that is interested in racing and riding safer, faster and improving their bike handling skills. The classes will also make you stronger because they'll include interval workouts as well as bike handling skills/drills.
Power ON! Coach Rob
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