One last thing and then I'll keep quiet until next week (New Years). If you're going to set goals/objectives for your training program (whether it's weight loss, power gain on the bike, better cardiovascular shape, etc.) you need good accurate measurement tools. I already mentioned a Heart Rate Monitor to measure cardio output..and for you cyclists a Power Meter on the bike, or on a Computrainer or Stationary bike at the gym. Power output is in Watts. If you're using a stationary bike at the gym that gives Power Output (in watts), just realize that most are not very accurate.
For those of you looking to lose weight, you MUST have a good bathroom scale. Here's an accurate one for just $25 if you don't already have one. We'll be measuring our weight at least weekly. Me, I like to weigh myself a couple times daily when I'm actively involved in a training program. You can see how your weight varies from morning to night. I'm always 2 lbs. lighter in the a.m. than the p.m. For me, jumping on the scale is a motivator. Keep in mind, you're not going to see any weight loss for the first couple of weeks when engaged in any program. And, sorry ladies, for some reason, men lose weight faster than women. I know it's not fair..but it is what it is. Some people have a higher metabolic rate too..they just burn more calories at rest than others. Again, I know it's not fair but it is what it is.
One more thing. You didn't gain 20-30 lbs overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight either. I hate that when I hear people say they've been working out for a week and haven't seen any results. Give it time. Your body is NOT's got a great memory. It doesn't like change and it will resist losing weight when you start a training program that burns calories. How does it resist? By making you tired so you slow down or fall you burn fewer calories. You will also get more hungry when you start a training program- of any kind. It's your body's way of want to play the weight loss game? I can play that game. For every workout, I'll make you more hungry so you eat more than what you used to and balance out the calories burned. That's where the self-discipline comes MUST resist the urge to eat/drink more while actively involved in a training program. You'll see what I mean when you start working out. All of sudden you start craving all kinds of food and everything looks and smells good.
Until next week, eat/drink whatever you want..the party is almost over..for this year anyway.
Power ON! Coach Rob
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Time Crunched Training Program (TCTP)
It doesn't matter whether you're a cyclist, runner, swimmer, or all three (triathlete) when you're short on training time there is no better program to help you meet your goals than the Time Crunched Training Program (TCTP). Since I'm a cyclist, most of my workouts are/were designed around Chris Carmichael's Time Crunched Cyclist book. Lets face it, if you have a job, where you're working 40-50 hrs. (or more) per week, and you only have 6-8 hrs. per week to train- you are considered "time-crunched".
In the absence of "time", intensity is the key to performance and meeting your goals/objectives. Let me repeat this again and highlight it (it's that important): In the absence of "time", intensity is the key to performance and meeting your goals/objectives. Even if you're an endurance athlete..more frequent short intense workouts will benefit you more than less frequent long endurance workouts. If you don't believe me, ask the many cyclists or triathletes that follow Chris Carmichael's Time-Crunched Cyclist/Triathlete program- with success.
Having said this, I'm not advocating jumping in the pool or on a bike or treadmill and going like a bat out of hell for 30 minutes- to start. If you do, chances are you'll end up puking or worse taking an ambulance ride to the hospital. Even TCTPs require that you ramp-up to the requisite intensity SLOWLY. That may require that you ride, run or swim slowly at first for a few weeks- each time increasing the intensity until you reach your optimum/maximum intensity. (We'll cover intensity later on).
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention which is very important (that I neglected to mention when buying/using training equipment) and that is buying a Heart Rate Monitor. You don't need a fancy one. Just one that shows your real-time Heart Rate in bpm. It is imperative that you are training in the correct zone for your workouts/training to be effective.
So, if you don't have a Heart Rate Monitor..go buy one online- NOW. I like Polar or Garmin. They have good ones that are Bluetooth that talk to your watch or to your iPhone (via a free App).
Power ON! Coach Rob
In the absence of "time", intensity is the key to performance and meeting your goals/objectives. Let me repeat this again and highlight it (it's that important): In the absence of "time", intensity is the key to performance and meeting your goals/objectives. Even if you're an endurance athlete..more frequent short intense workouts will benefit you more than less frequent long endurance workouts. If you don't believe me, ask the many cyclists or triathletes that follow Chris Carmichael's Time-Crunched Cyclist/Triathlete program- with success.
Having said this, I'm not advocating jumping in the pool or on a bike or treadmill and going like a bat out of hell for 30 minutes- to start. If you do, chances are you'll end up puking or worse taking an ambulance ride to the hospital. Even TCTPs require that you ramp-up to the requisite intensity SLOWLY. That may require that you ride, run or swim slowly at first for a few weeks- each time increasing the intensity until you reach your optimum/maximum intensity. (We'll cover intensity later on).
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention which is very important (that I neglected to mention when buying/using training equipment) and that is buying a Heart Rate Monitor. You don't need a fancy one. Just one that shows your real-time Heart Rate in bpm. It is imperative that you are training in the correct zone for your workouts/training to be effective.
So, if you don't have a Heart Rate Monitor..go buy one online- NOW. I like Polar or Garmin. They have good ones that are Bluetooth that talk to your watch or to your iPhone (via a free App).
Power ON! Coach Rob
Training Program
Before you start a training program there are three things you absolutely must have: 1) a goal/objective 2) the time to train and 3) training equipment. We'll start with training equipment. For training equipment, you have three options: you either buy equipment and train at home, train at a local gym or do both. I recommend doing both. Why? Because there are going to be days where you just don't have the time to travel to the gym or you just can't get to the gym (e.g. inclement weather). And, it's good to get out of the house, socialize, etc. Besides, I don't know too many people that have a 25m indoor pool at home. For home training equipment, I highly recommend the following: a. elliptical trainer b. stationary bike c. dumbbells d. Abdominal machine e. fan and f. stretching mat. If you plan to train/workout at a gym, forego the free-weights and opt for the weight machines. The risks of training with free weights (especially heavy ones) far outweigh the benefits. Besides, weight machines are made a lot better than the first Universal Weight Machine I used in High School. The reason I recommend an elliptical trainer and stationary bike at home is because they are easy on the joints..especially if you're overweight. The last thing you want to do is jump on a treadmill or other impact machine when you're overweight. That's just a recipe for disaster.
Ok, now for training time or scheduling your training. I hate to say it but the best time to train is the first thing in the a.m. when you wake up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you say you're not a morning person. Who is? Why are mornings a good time? Because your body is glycogen depleted from 7-8 hrs. of sleep and you can start burning some fat instead of leftover carbs for energy. Mornings are also a good time to workout because you're going to have to take a shower anyway (at least I hope you shower before work)..might as well get all sweaty and you're less apt to skip a workout in the a.m. before work than after work when you're tired.
How often should you train/workout? It depends on your goals/objectives. If you're a cyclist that is looking to compete in racing, you'll want to workout at least 5 days per week for one hour with a strict workout plan and a day on the weekend when you have 3-5 hrs. If you're just trying to lose some weight, improve cardio, etc. 3 days per week for 30 minutes and a day on the weekend when you have 3 hrs. should suffice. The 3 hr. session on the weekend is for endurance. If you only have 30 minutes devoted for training daily, you'll have to make that training brisk (fairly intense)- to make any difference. I'll get into training intensity later on (future blog). For now, lets just say you should be sweating pretty good for a 30 minute workout. For training zones, that would be L3/L4..with a little L5 mixed in. (Do a Search on Training Zones for the definitions of Training Levels/Zones)
Lastly, you must decide what your goals will be for yourself. To lose weight? To increase power output on the bike? To improve Cardio? And, your goals should be realistic based on the time and effort you're willing to put into your training program.
So, there you have one week to set your goals, set up your training equipment in your home or join a gym. We start January 1, 2015. Here's looking at a new you for 2015.
Power ON! Coach Rob
Ok, now for training time or scheduling your training. I hate to say it but the best time to train is the first thing in the a.m. when you wake up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you say you're not a morning person. Who is? Why are mornings a good time? Because your body is glycogen depleted from 7-8 hrs. of sleep and you can start burning some fat instead of leftover carbs for energy. Mornings are also a good time to workout because you're going to have to take a shower anyway (at least I hope you shower before work)..might as well get all sweaty and you're less apt to skip a workout in the a.m. before work than after work when you're tired.
How often should you train/workout? It depends on your goals/objectives. If you're a cyclist that is looking to compete in racing, you'll want to workout at least 5 days per week for one hour with a strict workout plan and a day on the weekend when you have 3-5 hrs. If you're just trying to lose some weight, improve cardio, etc. 3 days per week for 30 minutes and a day on the weekend when you have 3 hrs. should suffice. The 3 hr. session on the weekend is for endurance. If you only have 30 minutes devoted for training daily, you'll have to make that training brisk (fairly intense)- to make any difference. I'll get into training intensity later on (future blog). For now, lets just say you should be sweating pretty good for a 30 minute workout. For training zones, that would be L3/L4..with a little L5 mixed in. (Do a Search on Training Zones for the definitions of Training Levels/Zones)
Lastly, you must decide what your goals will be for yourself. To lose weight? To increase power output on the bike? To improve Cardio? And, your goals should be realistic based on the time and effort you're willing to put into your training program.
So, there you have one week to set your goals, set up your training equipment in your home or join a gym. We start January 1, 2015. Here's looking at a new you for 2015.
Power ON! Coach Rob
Happy New Year

I'm fortunate to belong to a good (local) gym that has a swimming pool. I belong to Cornerstone Gym in Doylestown/Warrington. I've been a member for over 15 years. This year I'm also fortunate to have a new job that will allow me to exercise regularly. It's been a while since I've used my Computrainer setup in my basement at home (for the bike) and my elliptical trainer. For those of you that are just starting out, I highly recommend a good gym that's been around for a while. If they've been around for a while, it's for a reason. If you can join a gym that has a pool, all the better. A pool is therapeutic. I honestly believe swimming has prevented me from having surgery on my torn rotator cup. For some reason, it just made it better.
The subsequent blog posts are not designed to brag about my training program or show pics of my svelte physique in progress. I've seen a bunch of people do that lately on Facebook. Who cares that you're using Joe Blow's latest rope training program and you lost 20 lbs. The following posts will be "our" journey. It's no fun embarking on a journey all by yourself. It's not to say it can't be done..I've done it before. Back in 2005 I lost 50 lbs. (from 225 to 175 lbs), by eating well and exercising and got in the best cardio condition of my life. I was biking, running and swimming daily. But that was 10 years ago and not today. Today, I'm fat/overweight and out of shape.
But, that's all going to change! Power ON! Coach Rob
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