Hate to say it, but there is no excuse NOT to get outside in the Winter to ride...regardless of the conditions. This morning, Jim Ludovici (pictured above) and I headed out to the canal towpath (NJ side) to ride from Stockton to Frenchtown NJ and back. Enroute, we did 2-3 hill intervals on Stumpf Tavern Rd- a 1.2 mile climb of 400+ vertical ft. It was slow-going on the canal towpath (for me at least). It felt like I was riding through sand at points (because of the snow) with my Mtn. Bike.
This was a great 3 hr. endurance ride with challenging terrain (hills, slick spots, snow, etc.)- just what the doctor ordered. There is no way I'd be able to get a similar workout on the road (this time of year) with my road bike...since the main roads were still icy and had too much salt on them for my taste. So, for those of you that think the "canal tow path" is for sissies on their beach cruisers..think again. This was a GOOD workout for me with a TSS=230. For Jim, I'm sure it was a stroll in the park- but still a good ride.
So, don't let a little snow (or cold temps) keep you inside on the trainer this Winter. Even though the temps today were in the low to mid 30s...I was sweating for much of the ride. The warm sun helped though. So, until next time...let it snow..let it snow...let it snow. Power ON! Coach Rob
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