Funny, but I had a choice to go Mountain Biking or ride my Road Bike (on a beautiful day)yesterday- and I didn't even think about it, I chose the Mountain Bike. For you Roadies out there, that exclusively ride a road bike, you really ought to try out Mountain Biking in the off-season. Why? Because it's FUN. Here are some other reasons why I love Mountain Biking:
a. It gets you off the roads AWAY from traffic, cars, trucks, etc.
b. It's slower..and allows you to see, smell, hear (and taste if you do an occasional header like I do..haha) more.
c. It gets you "back to nature". I can't tell you how many animals I've seen Mountain Biking.
d. It takes more skill and hand-eye coordination on a Mtn bike which will only improve your road skills.
e. It's a different kind of workout...more full ON/OFF than road biking and great exercise.
f. It's a good excuse to throw the bike on the back of the car and travel and discover new areas...new paths...new routes, etc.
g. It's a lot more friendlier. Mtn. bikers actually acknowledge your presence on the trails unlike roadies on the road.
h. It's quieter and more peaceful than riding on the road. It's calming...stress relief for sure.
i. It's a lot safer than riding on the road. Nobody said you MUST do extreme Mountain Biking. There are plenty of smooth, flat, open trails to ride.
j. Did I say- IT IS FUN!
Here is a pic of Baldpate Mtn. no more than 1/2 hr. drive from my home. I've been spending quite a bit of time here lately on my Mountain Bike and having fun exploring new trails. It's a beautiful area in Hopewell, NJ across the Delaware River from Washington's Crossing. The picture was taken on the Ridgeline 400-500 ft. above the Delaware River. I'll be sending a link in a future blog to a site with photos of where to park, different trails, etc.
Anyway, if you're contemplating buying a Mountain Bike for off-season training and fun..DO IT..you won't regret it. Power On! Coach Rob
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