Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy New Year

Its ironic that my last post was the same time last year.  I was motivated to get in shape last year- and I ended up doing nothing.  Just one excuse after another- I'm too tired, too much (international) business travel, not enough time, too busy, whatever.  I'm sure I've used just about every excuse there is.  This year, I have no excuses.  Well, I'm sure I can/could think of them..but I'm not going to let them deter me from "getting in-shape" for 2015.
So, what does "getting in-shape" actually mean?  For me, it's losing weight, increasing muscle mass/ toning via weight training at the gym 2-3x per week, eating right (laying off the junk food), building-up my cardio-vascular system through cycling training, getting 7-8 hrs. of sleep each night, laying off the booze (not completely), keeping my doctors appointments (eye, dentist, family doc for physical exams, etc.), indoor swimming, and regular stretching.  To do this effectively it takes work and a lot of self-discipline. It also requires visiting/joining a good gym that has a swimming pool.  It's not easy to do it right..initially it's a lot of work..after a while it becomes routine.  But, when you're "in-shape" you'll know'll feel it.  It's hard to describe the feeling..but you just feel good.  And, if you're eating well (clean), having a greasy cheesesteak hoagie with fries will make you feel like crap afterwards.

I'm fortunate to belong to a good (local) gym that has a swimming pool.  I belong to Cornerstone Gym in Doylestown/Warrington.  I've been a member for over 15 years.  This year I'm also fortunate to have a new job that will allow me to exercise regularly. It's been a while since I've used my Computrainer setup in my basement at home (for the bike) and my elliptical trainer.  For those of you that are just starting out, I highly recommend a good gym that's been around for a while.  If they've been around for a while, it's for a reason.  If you can join a gym that has a pool, all the better.  A pool is therapeutic.  I honestly believe swimming has prevented me from having surgery on my torn rotator cup.  For some reason, it just made it better.

The subsequent blog posts are not designed to brag about my training program or show pics of my svelte physique in progress.  I've seen a bunch of people do that lately on Facebook.  Who cares that you're using Joe Blow's latest rope training program and you lost 20 lbs.  The following posts will be "our" journey.  It's no fun embarking on a journey all by yourself.  It's not to say it can't be done..I've done it before.  Back in 2005 I lost 50 lbs. (from 225 to 175 lbs), by eating well and exercising and got in the best cardio condition of my life.  I was biking, running and swimming daily.  But that was 10 years ago and not today.  Today, I'm fat/overweight and out of shape.

But, that's all going to change!  Power ON!  Coach Rob 

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