Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Strength Conditioning for Cyclists

I figured if I put a pic of a good looking gal on the blog, and title the blog "strength conditioning" instead of weight training I'd get more people's attention. Instead of writing about the importance of strength training (which is synonymous with weight training in my book) I'll let you take a look at some videos from Lance Armstrong's former Strength and Conditioning Coach- Peter Park.

After you watch this first video, look at the bottom of the video page and you'll see a Tab that reads: 1/18 with an arrow next to it. Click on the forward arrow and you'll go to Video #2 in the series of 18 videos. These are good videos. Listen clearly and pay attention to form when doing these exercises..it's very important for two reasons: 1) that you isolate the muscle(s) you're trying to strengthen and 2) you don't hurt yourself. Because you will hurt yourself if you do them with high weight and do them incorrectly. So, sit back, relax, and watch some strength conditioning exercises for Cyclists, from LA's former S&C coaches.

Power ON!  Coach Rob

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