Sunday, December 12, 2010

Real Cyclist

I don't really advertise places to buy stuff on this blog, since I'm a proponent of supporting and buying stuff at the Local Bike Stores (LBSs).  But, if the LBSs don't have what you want (and you need it in a hurry) good Goretex Bike Wear that I just bought..I HIGHLY recommend the folks at  If you're not sure what to get or you want more information on a particular piece of gear/equipment..they have an online chat with knowledgeable people to help you.  I just recently ordered some Gore Bike Wear and used Real Cyclists online chat for sizing information/help.  Their prices are as good as anyone else online and I'm sure they'll even match their competitors prices.  Can't hurt to ask.  Both Andrew T and Rich F helped me with my online order and gave me a great price.  So, check em out. 

Power ON! Coach Rob

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