Monday, December 12, 2011

Specialized BG Defroster Boots

I don't normally review cycling products that I purchase unless they REALLY make me happy. This weekend, I found a product that did just new Specialized BG Defroster Mtn. Bike Boots.  I purchased these boots because I didn't particularly like wearing my regular lightweight, ventilated, low-cut, Summer Mtn. Bike Shoes with a neoprene booty overtop as Winter riding shoes.   This combination is just too bulky and it really doesn't do a good job of keeping my feet warm and/or dry. 

Sunday morning I went Mtn. Biking in Promised Land State Park (in the Pocono Mtns of PA)...a good test for my new boots.  It was cold when I started, about 21F.  Everything was frozen solid from the night before.  The shallow puddles in the road were frozen except areas where it was 6 in. deep or more.  Since I don't normally ride in the snow and ice I wanted to test the limits of my equipment as well as my bike handling skills.  I found out all too soon that my Defroster Boots were actually as waterproof as they claim to be.  That's because I tried riding across a section of road that was completely ice covered.  The problem was..the ice was only 1/2" thick, hardly thick enough to support my fat ass. (see photo below)  So, as not to defy physics/gravity I busted through the ice.  To keep from falling I unclipped as fast as I could and submerged my boot to the depths of the puddle.  Not only did my foot stay dry, it stayed warm the entire 2 hr. ride in 20F temps. I was amazed.

The ratcheting system on the boots are second to none too.  It is easy to a turn of a knob.  To release, just pull the knob out.  It couldn't be easier.  I wore one pair of good wool socks with the boots. That's all I think I'd need down to temps in the teens.

It never really warmed up above 25F by the time I left at noon.  The boots were a hit..and definitely worth the money spent.  I crashed twice on the way back to my car because although the temps never climbed that high, the sun did.  The sun JUST put enough of a glaze on top of everything to make it as slick as an ice skating rink.  Definitely a learning experience.  I also flatted 2 miles from my car and ran out of CO2 I had to walk it home.  Regardless, I had a blast..and hope to ride in the Park again soon...with my new boots. 

Power ON!  Coach Rob

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