Monday, December 12, 2011

Top 5 X-training Sports for Cyclists

It's hard to believe how someone can ride their road bike EVERY day of the week (365 days a year) and still like (and get motivated about) riding.  Besides, you REALLY can't tell me these roadies I see riding at 0730 on a cold dark Saturday morning in December, when the temps are in the 20s, are REALLY having fun.  I don't even care if they're dressed properly.  Don't get me wrong, I love to ride my bike but I also like to do other things in life and the off-season is no better time.  After all, if you love the outdoors as much as I do there are a bunch of things you can do all-year round.  I actually look forward to the colder months of November thru January as an excuse to get off my road bike.  For me, November through January are all about working out in the Gym, Swimming, Mountain Biking and Cross-Country Skiing.  And, if I could still run (bad back) I'd probably be doing that as well.  I still remember not too long ago getting up at 0700 in Salt Lake City, UT (on travel in January) and going for a 5 mile run on the hard pack snow.  It was beautiful.  When February rolls around, it's time to transition all of the strength and fitness off the bike...onto the bike.  February is the time when I start doing some serious indoor intervals on the trainer.  When I say "serious", I'm talking about HARD intervals that sometimes you quit on..because you're just not ready or feeling great that day.
Here is my Top 5 list and some tips if you engage in the following Cross-Training sports:
Weight Training- no reason to go overboard in the gym.  I like to keep my training focused on my core and my legs.  I do ALL of my workouts on machines vs. free-weights.  It's not that I'm opposed to free-weights, it's just that I don't think it's worth the risk of getting hurt..if you don't have a spotter.  For core exercises, I like crunches, planks and back extensions.  For the legs, I like: leg presses, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises and squats.  I'll throw in bench press and pullups for the chest and arms.  Don't forget to spin for 15 min. at high rpm after your leg workout.  That's in an hour. 
Rollerblading- is a great Cross-Training Sport for cyclists.  And, it's fun AFTER you learn to skate properly/well.  I used to rollerblade with my Field Champion dog Kali..but she's gone now..which is probably why I haven't been on em in a while.  Perhaps I'll get back on them this Winter and train hard..a tribute to my girl.  When/if you do go, pick a route that is void of traffic where you can do laps/intervals.  I used to rollerblade in a local park with a loop that was one mile. I'd go one lap hard then easy the next and repeat til exhausted.  1 hr. max.
Mountain Biking- is FUN!  I'm not even good at it (technically speaking)..and I have fun.  I like to target off-road hill climbs when I Mtn. bike.  It keeps the speed down which is important when the temps are in the high teens and low 20s (like this weekend for me).  I go relatively HARD for about 2 hrs. then call it a day.  Just this past weekend, I went up to Promised Land State Park and Mtn Biked in the snow- by myself.  It was a hoot..granted I fell twice on the snow/ice.
Cross Country Skiing- if you've NEVER done have to try it.  I was always an Alpine (downhill) skier since I was a kid.  I lived for it.  I was a ski instructor as well as a Giant Slalom racer in College.  So I spent a LOT of time on the snow.  But, ever since I hurt my back, I can't alpine ski.  Therefore, I picked up Nordic (X-Country) skiing.  And, to tell you the's ALMOST as much fun, and it's definitely a better/harder relaxing/resting on a chairlift in X-Country skiing.  Actually, nothing is more fun as bombing the slopes on long boards in Alpine skiing- NOTHING!  For Nordic skiing I like long endurance workouts as well as lap/interval workouts.
Running- I don't run anymore but I miss it a lot.  No need to go long.  I used to run in the Bucks County 5k Winter Series.  It was a great time...sometimes racing in the snow.  I highly recommend all cyclists run at least a 5k a month in the off-season.  It will keep your cardiovascular system in top shape...especially you Cyclo-Cross guys.  A 5k won't take you more than 30 minutes (at least I hope not).
So, there you Top 5 Cross-Training List for Cyclists in the off-season.  They won't take much of your time and no excuse NOT to fit them in your busy schedule.  What's nice about them too, is that you can wear your Winter cycling gear for the outdoor stuff.  Are there other Cross-Training Sports for cyclists?  Absolutely.  Swimming is a good Cross Training Sport for Cycling.  In fact, I do it whenever I can (have time for).  Actually, it should be on the list.  But, it's really an indoor sport like weight training and I'd rather be outside all-year round.   I'd also have to drop one of the others to keep it at a "Top 5". ha
Power ON!  Coach Rob

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