Sunday, October 2, 2011

Season Start

What does cycling have in common with the Philadelphia Flyers?  Nothing that I know of..other than I've been a long-time follower of the Flyers and the fact that we both start our seasons this week.  (Actually, I attended Flyer's Stanley Cup parades in 1974 and 1975.)  For the NEW Flyers, it's the start of their Regular Season for me it's the start of my Training Season.  I say NEW Flyers because of their many off-season trades and new acquisitions.

What I found rather interesting when viewing their schedule is the fact that the Flyer's 2011-2012 season schedule pretty much mirrors my training season schedule.  When they finish their regular season, I'll be starting mine. 

Historically, October/November is my Base Building Phase of Training.  During these months the majority, if not all, of my workouts are in the L3 Tempo Training Zones.  December/January is my Build Phase where I'm building on the base (I developed in Oct/Nov) and the majority of my workouts are "Sweetspot" workouts in the L3/L4 Training Zones.  February is normally crunch-time for me.  It's when I start ramping up with hi-intensity interval workouts in the L4/L5 Training Zones.  It's also a time of year when I like to go on a week long vacation out West to get outdoors in the warmer weather and get some longer miles in my legs.  If I have excess weight to lose, February is normally where it's dropped.  March is pretty much a continuation of L4/L5 training with some L6 training thrown in. 

By the end of March and beginning of April, I'm race ready.  Just as the Flyer's are getting ready for the playoffs, I'll be getting ready for the Tour of the Battenkill (the first race of the 2012 season for me).  I'm not sure if I'll be racing Battenkill again this year...but I'll be there either way- racing or officiating (on my moto). 

Lets go Flyers!  Power ON!  Coach Rob

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