Monday, March 7, 2011

Tour of the Battenkill 2011...are you ready?

I can't believe it's only a month away- the Tour of the Battenkill.  For me, it's been a long time training for this event.  I actually started training the end of November...FAT and OUT OF SHAPE.  I'm serious, I weighed 181 lbs. and my FTP was probably a paltry 220w.  I was too embarrassed to even attempt an FTP test at the time..let alone physically do one.  With 33 days to go, my weight is now down to 172 lbs and my FTP is a respectable 255w.  (Well, respectable for me anyway.)  My goal weight on April 10 will be 167 lbs. and my goal FTP is 270w.  I think I can get there.

With 4 weeks remaining until Battenkill, my next two weeks are going to be "hell weeks".  They will be weeks of hi-intensity interval training at Threshold and VO2max.  I won't be doing any Sprint workouts, in preparation for Battenkill, because the race is an endurance race- not a Sprint.  I won't have to worry about Sprinting.  My race goal is to finish as close to 3 hrs. as I can averaging 20 mph.  I really don't care how I do in my Masters 50+ category.  I race against myself...not others.  Sure, it would be nice to podium in my age group..but as long as it's Cat 1-4 in the Masters 50+..I really can't count on even being close to the podium.  All I'm going to do is try to pedal as hard/fast as I can for 3 hrs. and hope I see a Finish Line...ha.  After 2 weeks of grueling training, I'm going to start my I'm in form by Battenkill.

Although I'm a member of Pure Energy Cycling Team, I will be travelling with my wife to Battenkill- instead of the team.  We're going to be staying in Bennington, Vermont and making a long mini-vacation weekend out of it.  I won't be travelling back home until the Monday after the race...and after the traffic.  It will be more comfortable and enjoyable- for me anyway.  I'm looking forward to a fun relaxing weekend.  Not to mention the big a$$ steak dinner AND dessert I'm going to have AFTER the race.

If you're racing Battenkill yourself, and you're on schedule (with your goals)- kudos to you.  It's been a tough Winter to ride (outside) and I'm sure anyone competing at Battenkill this year from the Northeast will be in the same boat.  That is, they will be behind schedule a bit.  No despair, it's early.  Besides, you don't want to be peaking in April anyway- with the road race season just starting up.

Good luck to everyone competing in this years race.  Hope to see you at the start line on April 10th in New York.  And, hope you meet your goals.  Actually, hope to see you at the finish line..with a beer in my hand.

Power ON! Coach Rob

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