Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cold Weather Riding

If you've been following my blogs you probably realized that I've fired off quite a few the last couple days.  That's because I've been laying in bed, for the most part, fighting off a cold/flu.  And, the reason I'm fighting it off is because I did something STUPID when I rode on Sunday.  I rode outside w/ too many clothes on (despite the temps being in the mid 40s) and sweated profusely when I did my hill repeats.  I even unzippered the shirts/jackets I was wearing to help the heat escape.  I also took my helmet off on the long climbs to help release the body heat.  What was even more STUPID than sweating so much, is not going directly home after my ride.  Instead, I went to my LBS to get a replacement buckle for my shoes.  Only now I remember standing in the shop completely chilled.  Well, you can only imagine...a run down immune system from a long hard ride combined with a chilled body equals SICK.  I even bailed on a 2x10@ L4 workout this morning because I was feeling so Sh$tty. 

It's ironic that I just got done reading an article by the folks at Saris/Cyclops entitled "Conquering Cold Weather Riding".  Read it, it's a great article if you're going to be riding outside this Winter.  http://www.cycleops.com/training/training-resources.html?view=entry&category=training&id=250:conquering-cold-weather-riding 

I love the photo in this blog. Photo Credit Michael Oryl.  This is also another way you do NOT want to dress for Cold Weather Riding in the Winter- for obvious reasons.  I actually rode by the same sign (Loveland Pass) on my bike a few years ago, dressed the same as the cyclist in the picture, however, it was in July and the temps were in the 70s.

Power ON! Coach Rob

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