Thursday, August 12, 2010

If you can't handle the heat...GO FISHN'!

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm NOT a fan of the heat.  Nothing worse than being outside when it's mid-90 temps and high humidity is riding your bike in those conditions and sweating all over yourself and bike.  (BTW, you don't clean off your bike after you sweat on it, I guarantee you that you will rust a lot of cables, nuts/bolts and even stain the aluminum parts).  Yeah, yeah, yeah..I know there are some of you that ride in all weather conditions year round.  That's fine if you can do it..without burning out or losing motivation...but I can't.  To be honest with you, I don't even miss riding my bike this time of year.  It's just not fun.  And, if there is one thing I've learned so far in life...if it's NOT fun..why are you doing it?

If you read some of my previous'll have noticed that when it's hot, I either ride/train early in the morning, in my cool basement on the trainer, or I switch to my Mtn. Bike and ride under tree cover.  Or sometimes, like now, I even take time off the bike and GO FISHIN!  That's right...there is nothing wrong with taking a couple weekends off and going fishing.  You're NOT going to lose all of your me.  Anyone that has had an injury and was forced off the bike for a week or so, will tell you that they were fine (fitness wise) when they got back on.  Plus, if you REALLY feel guilty about taking time a 5x4 VO2max interval on your trainer..or do Tabata intervals twice a week.  That will keep your fitness level up.

No, you don't have to go will NOT help your cycling fitness.  Although, having said that, I have a Hobie Fishing Kayak that has pedals on it and let me tell ya..if you really want a workout..pedal for an hour or so upstream on a fast flowing river and you'll get a leg workout. 

Here's a pic of me on the Big-D (Delaware River) with a typical Smallie (Smallmouth Bass).  If you haven't ever fished for bass (in general) you've got to get out on the River and try.  It's a LOT OF FUN!  And, the best part WILL catch fish..if you know what you're doing.  If you don't know what you're doing, email me and I'll give you some tips.  I used to be into the Tournament Bass Fishing circuit for many I know a few things when it comes to bass fishing. 

If you have OTHER hobbies (other than fishing) get out and do em now.  Although the summer is coming to an end, and the kiddies will be back in school (yippeeee), there is PLENTY of riding yet to be done.  In fact, my favorite time of the year to ride is September/October.  The mornings are crisp/clear, the weather is delightful and the colors are amazing.  So, dump the bike off...grab a rod and go fishing...or anything else you've been putting off this summer.  Not only is it fun, I bet you come back to the bike more refreshed and eager to finish the season strong.  Have Fun!

Power ON!  Coach Rob

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